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I wanted to make a page that would give to the trumpet community forever. Too many players around the world have no good source of info and lack books. So to solve that I am giving away my biggest book. I hope that this helps players all over the world to improve.
Free 7400 pages as of 1/1/2020.
Clint ‘Pops’ McLaughlin
Pops Extended Brandt #1
Pops Trumpet Players Guide
Pops Trumpet Books and Lessons.
New Arban 985 page Method Book (Click here)
Free Video Lessons (25+ video lessons)
Free Cartoon Video Lessons (10 video cartoon lessons)
Trumpet playing charts (fingering, notes, scales, chords, theory)
Public domain trumpet methods
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Pops Expanded Range New Arban with extra exercises.
Arban Complete Celebrated Method
Bach Brandenburg Concerto 2
Bach Inventions
Bohme 24 Etudes
Boscher Méthode de trompette
Brandt 34 Etudes
Charlier 36 Études Transcendantes
Clarke Elementary Studies
Clarke Characteristic Studies
Clarke Technical Studies
Clarke Cornet Solos
Clodomir Méthod
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Eby’s Scientific Method for Cornet and Trumpet Book 1
Eby’s Scientific Method for Cornet and Trumpet Book 2
Eby’s Scientific Method for Cornet and Trumpet Book 3
Eby’s Scientific Method for Cornet and Trumpet Book 4
Book 4 is the 1st time there were written pedal Gs and Double High Cs in a book.
Fasch Trumpet Concerto
Goldman’s Practical Studies
Haydn Trumpet Concerto
Hindemith Sonata
Kopprasch 60 Etudes Book I
Kopprasch 60 Etudes Book 2
Kosleck School of Trumpet
Jules Levy Cornet Instruction Book
Neruda Trumpet Concerto
Ponchielli Concerto
Shuebruk 20 Duets
Shuebruk 36 Duets
Shuebruk Lip Trainers
Saint Jacome Grand Method
Trumpet School Tabakov 1.pdf
Tabakov vol 3.
Tabakov vol 4
Telemann Concerto
Vivaldi Concerto for Two Trumpets
Wurm 40 Studies
Wurm 41 Duets
Complete Orchestral Trumpet Parts
Bach to Bruckner
Bruckner to Haydn
Haydn to Strauss
Stravinsky to Wagner
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Orchestral Audition parts
Trumpet 1 Audition
Trumpet 2 Audition
Trumpet Utility Audition
Back in the stone age when I was learning to play there was no New Expanded Arban, Clarke, Concerto book… (That is why I wrote them). I had to use non-trumpet books to get written notes above high C. Yes, the clarinet will have some pedal F and Es. Get over it and play them. These are the non-trumpet books I used.