Sleep Learning: Part 5 – Fear of high notes subliminal
My trumpet teaching and trumpet books have been mentioned and quoted in dissertations, magazines, other books, websites, and even YouTube videos.
Dear Mr McLaughlin,
“The subliminal (Sleep Learning) Downloads” I received from you a few weeks ago are very helpful to me. I had to play Brahms trio last Friday (I’m playing French horn) and it was the first time since my first BIG stage fright (30 years ago) that I played without fear. I am so interested by everything I read on your site, especially about lip compression; all of this is so helpful for me. So, I thank you very much!
These are simple WAV files of about 7-8 megs. Many programs will burn it to CD if you want it that way. You can loop it and play it all day or all night.
The background is rain and wind chimes and the chimes mask the words completely. You will NOT hear the words at all!
Subliminal Sleep Learning is passive. It requires no work; all you do is play the CD in the background. I play mine at night while sleeping using a CD/radio/alarm clock.
A real desire to change will help you to change faster. The messages work along with beliefs that you already have. If your beliefs support the change you want then it happens faster. If the messages differ from your beliefs then it takes longer to change. The messages help delete the current fears before they start to help.
So I am now offering digital downloads of subliminal sound files that are designed to help build a healthy level of confidence to help cure stage fright, another file that helps build a healthy practice desire and habits, I also have a file that is me giving instructions on breath support and tongue arch and hiss, another file that deals with open aperture and setpoint and one on fear of high notes.
These are simple WAV files of about 7-8 megs. Many programs will burn it to CD. You can loop it and play it all day or all night.
The background is rain and wind chimes and the chimes mask the words completely. You will NOT hear the words!
The cost for each file is 10 dollars and is available using PayPal. Or you can get all 5 for 30 dollars.
1. stage fright, more confidence (NOT instrument specific)
2. practice habits (NOT instrument specific)
3. breath support, tongue arch and hiss (Trumpet)
4. open aperture, lip setpoint (Trumpet)
5. fear of high notes (Trumpet)