The Arban book is talked about as being the Trumpet Bible. That implies a kind of completeness. This is simply not the case.
There are some good exercises but there is also a great deal of space devoted to younger players. A lot of both the Art of phrasing and the duets is easily mastered.
There is NO range work in the English versions. The multiple tonguing is on a basic level. And A great deal of the last 50 pages is also simple.
Lets face it a lot of High School players take the Carnival of Venice to solo contest or college auditions.
The book NEEDS a great deal of suppliments.
- Bartold Orchestral Excerpts Vol. 1-5
- Burke New Directions in Tonguing
- Clarke Technical Studies
- Clarke Characteristic Studies
- Schlossberg Daily Drills
- Williams Complete Method (Lots of great works in Vol. III)
- Williams Supplimental Studies
- Williams Transposition
- Williams Secret of Technique Preservation
And even this is a partial list. But these are important.