
Trumpet range pyramid

People ask me every day why they can’t play high or why they don’t play well high.
Range books are written to make you FEEL good and not written with real life in mind.

They have you play lots of arpeggios. So you play 1 C, 1 E, 1 G, 1 high C. You don’t don’t build a base for the high notes. You build a range flagpole. It has no support and doesn’t work on the gig.

You won’t get a good high C by playing 10 high Cs a day. Not ever. Not in 1,000 years.

We should build a range like a pyramid. 100 high Cs a day, 80 high Ds a day, 60 High Es, 40 high Fs. Can’t go on to G until you increase the Fs to 50.

If your range or endurance isn’t there you start lower. 100 Gs on top of the staff, 80 As, 60 Bs, 40 Cs. Don’t do D until Cs get to 50 a day.
Or even lower. 100 Es, 80 Fs, 60 Gs on top of the staff, 40 As, and don’t play B until you increase the As to 50.

The idea of playing more high notes to improve range is why I wrote the New Expanded Range Arban book a couple of years ago.  It gives a lifetime amount of material to work with.

You play Arban exercises, songs, my weird exercises, and more songs… and all of these are in a dozen or more keys so that they fall in the part of your range that you are working.

There are thousands of ways to accomplish the goal of a good high note pyramid.

I have had countless questions about how to do this, what to play, where to start…

That is why I wrote this practice book “Range Pyramid Practice”. It is a 108 page Ebook. I have a playing test that shows you exactly where you need to start in the exercises to improve quickly and safely.

Then it has weekly exercises the lowest ones top out at 3rd space C and the highest ones top out at G above Double High C. (3rd G above the staff.)

The workload increases every week and it only takes 14 minutes a day. BTW 7 of those minutes is resting.

Range Pyramid Practice a 108 page

Trumpet range pyramid



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Trumpet range pyramid
Trumpet range pyramid